Ratchet & Clank Wiki

I should never have quit dental school.

An arc striker regretting his decision to become a mercenary., ACiT

Arc Strikers were one of the four basic classes of Nefarious Troopers. Like its counterparts, they have an oval shaped, green, mechanical "brain" that was connected to the top of its red body, which was almost completely covered by one giant robotic eye.

Arc Strikers usually stayed at a distance away from Ratchet and fired small electrical beams that would float across the floor from its electric claws. They would also melee him if he came too close. The Arc Stikers on Zanifar fired medium-large electrical beams.

Arc Strikers were first encountered on the first visit to Vorselon's warship.

After Ratchet arrived on Vorselon's Warship in order to save Alister Azimuth, the robotic troopers were replaced with stronger Chronoguard variants, taking more hits to destroy them and were blue with silver armor instead of red and orange.

Strangely, while most Arc Strikers had several tentacles in place of legs, some had a single wheel instead of tentacles. These such Arc strikers were used by Dr. Nefarious to rehearse his play.
